Khan Murder Bunny >> 🎁🌹 >> Needyblues 1️⃣9️⃣🎂 (+₭500)<
Whew to much adulting today
Well that was easy enough, lol
Is there a lot on there that we know?
I have my pocket friends back haha
So like a lot from the Savage room like wulf and wolf etc
Not the new anti. It’s the yellow one
the room i found is on the one from the total blank of the heart app
Also I swore that was Heart that did that song lol
I still see wulf around here and Foxy and some others
was she part of another band at one point?
I think Bonnie Tyler was always a solo singer
Okay. Just checking to see if you were still around
Yeah I will always be here, and to be fair I'm still standing at the airport, last night was cold outside. lol
Haha 😂 silly … maybe one day 😋
This room is full of cops