I love you in all languages, Your love is a treasure, my greatest wages. You are in my heart, my soul, my head, With you by my side, I feel truly led. You are my day, my night, my life, In your warm gaze, I find no strife. Only you hear my soul, In your presence, I feel whole. Only you know my secret, my dreams, Together we flow like gentle streams. In a game of love, so adept, So sad that you know everything, Except... my phone number,
As I sleep tonight, I will think of all of the wrongs I’ve done. My sins will go on to create the longest highlight reel one could imagine and I will watch with bated breath as every single unfortunate segment sinks its nails into my irises. And I will do this because there will always be certain aspects of life that just don’t click for us.
For me, the most glaring issue is letting go and accepting just how weak I really am. For others, it’s trusting the wrong people.