Unlikeable piece of what😭??? biatch
Tf are these lyrics biatch
>>> vero you weigh at least 750 pounds. your n...
Cellulite could fill an entire solar system 😂😂���😭??? What the actual f biatch
HAHAH "eat left and right overs" got me dead 😭 biatch
What is even happening lol biatch
>>> vercunt chill ur 44 overweight live with u...
Fat lard 💀 biatch
Four eyed willy Wonka 😭😭 biatch
>>> bonus+ A daily bonus of random ₭11 karma ...
🥲 biatch
Where is that gc...umm tears biatch
Cellulite big enough for a solar system to fit in, golden words bye biatch
Here they go again 💀 biatch
I remember a cop arresting someone, it was one of those self identifying people, the co p first called her out by saying "let her yap".. yeah something like that and then that lady said "I identify as a male" the cop said 😭 "let it do whatever it's doing" biatch
Let it do whatever it's doing biatch
Stop screaming
>>> Ngl i js f4rted biatch
You don't have to tell everything
>>> Btw i js f4rted again biatch
Why no auto biatch with my texts