-runs in and dives into pillow fort- I IS KING DUCK (took me 8 times to write that damn auto correct)
-steals sue and puts her in box of glitter- hehehe
Woooo app works again for me
It didn’t work on appl for a bit
I’m just glad the internet lied it said Apple fighting with app owner and wouldn’t release an update so could be used on iPhone until April 13
I met some people today at the mall and I got the peoples number and the guy randomly texted me threatening to go to cops and lie and say I tried to touch the girl cuz she was into same music as me and we didn’t stop talking and it long story
Apparently he’s in love with her but she don’t want him and he does this to every guy that she ends up befriending and it’s lame I made a new friend but sadly no can be friend cuz jealous best friend
And it upsets me cuz I’m emo and it’s insanely hard to find emo people where I live so I ain’t got no friends
I sowwy me was venting me leave
Just no block me friends I leave