Say it’s a family issue ig 😢
If I keep thinking about someone, do I like them? 😓
Someone I think I was starting to fall for. I’m not sure, it’s the first I’ve ever felt this way too so I’m confused 😢
How do u help ur teen sibling who is cutting herself? 😓
I thought that but they’re the main problem to the reason 😭
I’m not sure how to go about it tho 😥
Ok but I feel so hopeless 😭
This is her first time cutting too 😰
She’s not the o my person ik who’s cut herself too 😰
But that’s the thing, my parents are like the main reason she’s like so….. 😥
Does gyming help? Were gyming now 😭
So ig I’ll try talking to her first then. Ty 😰