That's wonderful to hearread🙂 I'm still a little sleepy but I'm very good
At 02:30 am but got back about 6am to sleep and woke up just now
>>> انت لست عربيا ؟-You are not an Arab?
No I'm from Ireland and live in the UK
Ice to heat you got a full 9hrs!! Can I ome sleep with you? Sounds like you have a good routine😂😂😂
😂😂😂😂😂mmm that sounds suspect like a good plan
I like that... The reminder of faith and will of peace☺️
>>> بعض الناس يتضايقون من هذا
Curious... The translation is not working
Ahhh ok now it works.. really??
I guess they want to be free here to think in other ways 😂
>>> نعم ولا استطيع فهمهم-Yes, and I can't unde...
I guess different people have different ideas☺️ I'm not Muslim but I respect all