I just threw up a lil in my mouth.
Looking cute and colourful, Maj!
Because, yummmmm processed cheese pasties!
There’s this one woman who I went to high school with. She comes into my store all the time and will NOT shut up about freakin celery juice.
She’ll like… so a deep squat to show me how much it has helped her inflammation. Like, guuuurrrlll nooooo
Juicing water isn’t as fun.
Celery sticks and hummus 🤤
I broke my account I think.
Someone pissed me off so I deleted the app. When I redownloaded it and put my number in, it gave me a new profile.
I still have my old one on my iPad though, which is weird. So the account exists, it just wouldn’t come up on my phone.
And I hate typing on my iPad.