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건강 & 지원/

🐵Ugly club!

Good thanks, lazy Saturday is off to a great start!
That’s good to hear 😀😃😄
What’s up y’all?!
Not much it seems. I hope people are enjoying the weekend
I hope so too…mine is pretty uneventful
I went to a meditation retreat today
Hey there Michelle! How did that go?
It was a really good experience
Pretty picture 🥰
Good morning everyone!
Gm everyone
Hello 😀
Hi hun
Good evening everyone!
Good evening
How’s things this evening?
Doing alright, just relaxing, checking out a new room
Smoked some weed, sipping on some keef soda
Smoked some weed, sipping on some keef soda
I’m right there with you, minus the soda, but add a heavy edible… 💨
Hell yeah
Let there be good times!
I’m ugly and I don’t care lol
Ah you’re not that bad, I’ve seen much worse!
lol well thanks
Good morning/afternoon/evening/night fellow uglies
Hi Dark
I see it is still a challenge for people to interact normally in here, lol
Loool how are you Dark ?
Hello again Lara, how are you ?
Good morning! And goodnight for me
Good night to you 🦋̷B̷̷r̷̷i̷̷t̷̷t̷a̷̷n̷̷y̷🦋
How’s it hanging y’all?
A little too the right
Oh nice
Hello Char
Hey lovely 🤗🤗🤗
How’s it going sweetheart?