>>> I am struggling to speak enough time with ...
Well God is always listening, but you have to make up in your mind and stick to the plan to spend time
Start small and work your way up.
Good morning I pray everyone is having a lovely day 🙏🏽
Amen the truth will set you free
Yes! Thanks for sharing ☺️🙏����
Oh cool. Yeah I went this morning
Hi doing ok. How are you Lala 🤗
Amen awesome, well keep going and takecare 🤗
I'm going to my two year old besties birthday party
Happy Sunday! May the blessings of the Lord Jesus be upon you now! 🙏🏽
Hey thanks Lala 🤗.
No snow here it's already reaching 70° here
Hello happy Saturday blessings 🤗 💕, have a lovely weekend in the Lord.
>>> Why do people who call themselves believer...
Habit, tradition, some see nothing wrong, some do other things than Celebrate what the world does. Others don't celebrate at all and it's a regular day. For many it's the preference of the person.
I had a cousin whose birthday is on Valentine's day. We celebrate her and spend time together as family encouraging each other and having dinner.