I'm Kshatriya 👑not dalit 🤡 biatch
I will never marry. I am a sigma king since day 1🤡 biatch
Jinx ur gf lexy was looking for u 🤡 biatch
Is lexy preg by u jinx tranny 🤡 biatch
>>> I don't have enough fuel biatch
U r exhausting like a dalit 🤡
I'm the only real person here biatch
Billo Dalit Muslim 🤡 biatch
Billo tell me ur caste 🤡 biatch
Earl Muslim katwa 🤡 biatch
>>> This gc stresses me worst biatch
U r dalit 🤡
He scam people for investing their money into crypto 🤡 biatch
Billo tell me where u from biatch
Su billo we don't keep Muslims our neighbors biatch
>>> Seal but Muslims will gladly accept anyone...
They are all dalit converted to Muslim 🤡they have no standards biatch