This video was after that
>>> Ain't no way a man is getting 'angry' at a...
Good point
>>> He asked for it and got mad you did it?
Yup exactly
>>> Have you met him irl
>>> I'm starting to think there is no guy
Why would I lie?
Have a good night ! Thanks guys I'm also leaning towards he has someoneelse and doesn't know how to tell me
>>> If there is a guy... I think you took kind...
Kindness ? Him telling me he wants to f me is kindness?
>>> Maybe he just doesn't like you
Yes you right, I'm extremely unlikable
>>> So you see him often and don't know if he ...
I dont see him often
I'm not taking you saying he doesn't like me as a personal attack
The fact you said Im making it up is rude
>>> I'll speak to him and find out what the story
You're sweet
Good bye I'm leaving this group I don't associate with bullies
And I'm referring to the women not men
You said I was making it up and I'm giving off stalkery vibes, your lack of self awareness is troubling
>>> How am I going to prison for mentioning th...
Lol no you didn't say anything wrong
>>>It was a normal statement I was just sayin...
I'm not saying anything about you, I know you were joking
A stalker is someone who follows a person