Started my day on a fuck sea world tangent today life is good
I’m just tired of dumb bitches
Lmaoooo “I gOt a dOg FrOm A pEt sTorE” 🚩
You know when I was like really little my parents got me a puppy from the pet store … and it died. I was to little to realize then.
I’m just feeling opinionated and feel a mighty need to educate on Seaworld & puppy mills today 😂
Ugh I gotta get up and get my furr children fed get my self dressed and make my breakfast smoothie and then gobe an adult and I don’t wannaaaaa
Mutts are the best you can get purebred is only good for certain things you’ll never catch me buying a dog or a cat
I’ll pay an adoption fee before I ever purchase an animal
Also don’t support puppy mills they overbreed, inbreed & don’t give a fuck about the dogs they’re breeding
They just want the $$$ and then sick puppies end up in pet stores 🤮
Why do people take there shoes off at the gym .. so gross