I'm too cute to have a cold. This is an injustice.
>>> I dunno, bet that virus is feeling pretty ...
I think so!
>>> Definitely isn't right. Why would the worl...
No idea. I suffer. 😋
Boyfriend 1 is picking up some of this Thai coconut soup that I love so much. This is gonna be great.
Me too. It's day two of being sick. But it will pass
I almost never get sick, but when I do, it's pretty bad. No ignoring it for me.
I've had some time off work to listen to audiobooks and play video games (when I can focus) so that's nice.
Right now I'm in Valheim and The Long Dark. But I'm a nerd so also The Sims 4. 😬
Haha well look them up. They've been so much fun.
100% I'm on a mission to...pass out again lol. Chat later everyone ❤️
Never thought I'd be so happy to snuggle an ice pack.
Oh nice! I hope you enjoy it. I think I have some chocolate peanut butter fudge hiding about.
Day 3. Still sick. Fever. Gonna put on Winnie the Pooh and sleep 😴
Yay! I'm finally feeling on the mend.
I was out of work for four days. I'm glad it wasn't more than that.
I feel like I could eat everything in the house.
I've been able to finish an audiobook during my time off. It's been really nice.
>>> I have been cheating. Is it polyqmory
And frankly, cheating isn't something we idolize here.
Hi, folks. Had to stop in for some positivity.
Hope everyone is doing well. ❤️