We are vegans and I believe that's because we think beyond the common.
There's no morning in the planet
Hey, I get your point Kanel
I have been avoiding soy not because of the damaged to the body but mostly because of the damages in agriculture
It has been so aggressively cultivated that it is damaging the vegetation diversity
Guys we are here just to share our thoughts, not to impose anything
I am reading a book from Ed Winters, and he just mentioned the benefits of soya to our health. Said that it does induce estrogen in large intakes, making menopausal women often use it.
>>> Yeah, because itâs true and we have to rep...
We don't have to repeat anything, we have to observe the diversity of opinions and take our own conclusions with our own criticism
>>> He's not an oncologist though
He's not mentioning what he guesses but what obviously has been proven.
I like to take raw food and make the meals myself, non industrialized food is real food to me, the rest is just a remembering of something that could have been good
Plant based milk made with your own hands is another reality, beyond delicious
Raw vegetables, wholegrain cereals..
One has no idea what is put in the products out there to keep them conserved for longer, to change their texture and color..
It's not because its vegan that its 100% healthy
Yes, non vegans area not welcome
Please refer to the name of the group
And I do cook my vegetables
To be vegan is not about just choosing a different diet, it's a mindset, a conscious act to help animal welfare, our environment, ourselves.