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that was such a fun place i was in 2019🥹

that was such a fun place i was in 2019🥹
I worked breck for 2020 😮 but 2019 I was at copper mtn running lifts and slanging acid til covid shut us down lmao
yusss i was an aupair and we went there buncha times w my host fam
Aupair? 🤔 time to get learnt. But I hope you got to go up imperial 🥺
That’s sooo awesome 🙂 and I’m stoked you hit the highest lift in North America, I used to take it hard skiers left to get to contest bowl and hit the cliffs on my break daily lol
That’s sooo awesome 🙂 and I’m stoked you hit the highest lift in North America, I used to take it hard skiers left to get to contest bowl and hit the cliffs on my break daily lol
I miss working on hill but I make more money at an off mountain shop
Exactly why I got into welding
my ex was an aupair she was french i miss her 😔