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The shts boring now, later ✋🏼

The shts boring now, later ✋🏼
Yeah leave the
I’m gonna stay now just for you tf
He wants me
Don’t flatter yourself I’m an eho
Im not flattered im disgusted
Hot, I love that
I dried out su pls
If you aren’t drier than the Sahara desert ion want it
she literally lives in a desert
Joke on u, im IN dubai
Damn you’ve been dried up huh 💀
Cant help, these men aint shi
thats haram tho
Thats why im halal😇
Valid can’t even argue with that
Why u agreeing ew fight me
I’ve been on here 8 years off and on you think ion know 💀
8 years? Guess ur mama birthed you in ld
Lmaooo ld wasn’t even a thing back then 💀
Anti streets it is📝
8 years? reported for -18