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why do muslims have to shave every like month or 40 days i think it was

why do muslims have to shave every like month or 40 days i think it was
Cuz u canā€™t pray thne
To stay clean
oh okok
Its 4 weeks
Because its smth from the prophet mohamed ig so
okok ty
Are you a muslim or?
Iā€™m a Christian but iā€™m curious about Islam
Wanna chat abt it ?
Iā€™ll defo have more questions about it so maybe soonšŸ˜…
You can chat with me abt it if you want it im here tho
Iā€™ll definitely have random questions iā€™ll think of that iā€™ll ask you about, thank you
Okay jayla , i cant send you a chat cause your karma is high so if you want to send or ath i cant send ig you can send me
just messaged you