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🧛 waiting for next week frfr

🧛 waiting for next week frfr
keeping garlic near me all next week
gonna get nose plugs next week
ur gonna die of not being able to breathe
🧛 we dont need to breathe
only staying in the sun all week
What if he’s a vampire from twilight tho
i’ll just hide
might have to transform into a daywalker
transform into the donut
why not a long john
tf is that
long john doughnot 😭
never had one
want me to show you how it looks 🤭
how many donut pics u got on that phone god dam
1 donut pic and probably like 30 donut pics
i’m telling ur mom
you’ll have to go to the afterlife for that
Ew you donut like a weirdo ion like you anymore smh
What if they’re a mouth breather
i punch them in the mouth
That’s valid honestly