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Call me a peasant one more time and it’s gonna be Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy for you Dolphin boy

Call me a peasant one more time and it’s gonna be Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy for you Dolphin boy
Bich you are a lowlife .imma maintain at least a 10 km distance from you😷😷😷🤢
I’m American. Pls translate
he’s indian dont bother
Are you gonna suck my ass cuz im indian
ew disgusting i’d rather eat pork
Basically called you that one gross homeless dude you see in the middle of highway intersections knocking on windows for change
Lil scram no wonder you on here talkin trash cuz you’d get pieced up irl
I support trump for deporting people like you🤡💩
Yeah that’s a no dog. 5th generation Italian American, we been here since before the Great Depression