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oh fck

oh fck
Oh fck ~
wait i forgot ur sick
Yeah im dying rn
can u go home or????
No but i get off esrly today at least
Mb i was banned in newbies LMAO
can u get some ginger ale….?????
Uhhh maybe at lunch but i doubt i could rn
why wtf??????
Bbg i dont just got ginger ale on standby at work LMAO
watch ur mouth also find a vending machine tf 💀
I didnt say anything bad and they only have like pepsi and those typpe drinks
…. ima let u have it while ur i’ll 💀 can u order some soup and ginger ale??
Hmmmmmmmmm maybe idk LOL
Ill be fiiine
Back in Chicago I feel itttt
This came off super sus idk why
how 💀💀💀💀💀