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How are you
Tired but gotta get out of bed eventually.
I know me too. I don’t wanna
2 loads of laundry & the store that’s all I’ve gotta do today
Ig I have time
m 50 wanna chat
I have time too. Just need to go to the gym later
I started working out again a few nights ago. Time to get rid of this scrawny ass body 💀
That’s great
Agreed. I don’t really want my upper body to look much bigger than it already other than my forearms but some definition would be nice. Also would be nice to get caked up again 💀
I’m sure you look great no matter what
I mean I actually like my current look but I’d say that’s not a popular opinion. Thank you though
Of course
Well if you haven’t this is the time to get up
Ok ok I guess you’re right
If I can do it you can 🫡
I guess it feels better now that I showered but still
What’s up everybody?
Going to the gym soon
>>> Going to the gym soon Enjoy 💪
Smash ❤️ for sure
Hell yes
Hope everyone is having an awesome day 🙂
Hope you are too
What’s everyone up to
Fcking air bnb smoke detector going off in my room & i really don’t want to go buy a battery lol
Handled it nvm
Not today
pm for rp
Macie pretty ! Nice legs!
Prison was lame
👁️ 👁️