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Relazioni & Sociale/

CChat & Vibe🖤

How are you Lusty?
Doin okay, you??
I am doing okay. Just trying to not get to stressed
Aw whats goin on
Life and a cold that just is lingering
That is understandable. Life can be very stressful
Yeah. It’s challenging
Feel lots rooms are so slow anymore
Ya think a lot of us got a lot of shit going on in life, a lot less people on
How is everyone
It’s like that
Ugh rough week
Hope everyone is doing well
Hope you are as well
On day 7 of a tolerance break
Oh how is that going?
Hi Bucky
Terrible 😂 but I got this
I know you do! ❤️
Thank you!
Good night from Polly
The stray I adopted