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eegypt مصر

haha im pretty good for my weight 🤭
whats ur height
عمريكو 😍😍😍
نمت احسن النهاردة؟
حلوة والله الحمدلله
انتا عامل ايه 😍
انا بخير
im 5.9 ft
مالك مختفيه ليه النهردا
im 24
>>> مالك مختفيه ليه النهردا موجودة بس سقطت نمت قبل الفطار شوية
انتا عامل ايه
>>> im 5.9 ft and how much do u weigh?
ohh im 72 now
sounds good for ur height u r right
also i was just kidding hehehe
>>> بخير كله تمام؟؟
its ok sweetheart and thank you☺️
اه تمام الحمدلله
يارب دايما حلو يا عمريكو🥰🥰
>>> its ok sweetheart and thank you☺️ for the inbody? hehe
haha what you mean sorry i didn’t understand?
inbody test, the weight and height analysis
kidding again 🤭
haha i have measured my body parts nicely
they are all good haha
>>> haha i have measured my body parts nicely u measured ur brains?
i mean i get tested my whole body once a year its good till now my brain🤭
good for u ✌🏻
هاج عبدالغفور
ima sleep u guys
dont write in my room till i wake up
اللهم بلغت
اللهم فأشهد