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BBewbs for Peace ( * )( * )💋

Nice view CrudeGirl
So damn fine 😍
Lexi your up early
Hahah just a bit
Beautiful smile Lexi 😌
Do you always wake up early?
I try to
Thank you hun
Ah cause or work? School? Other?
You're very welcome
Hey becca 😍
Becccaaaa bestieee
Wizardd bestie💕
You arrived at home?
How are you all doing you amazing people
>>> You arrived at home? Yess I'm hoke
Tomorrow is off. So I'm happy
How are you doing M
Not to bad
Ooff so good a day off
Yess then after Thursday 9 days off
Oehh a lil break, any plans or going to really rest.
Yeah, going to town
Wish i could visite you😭
Yeah that's our plans for few years
Aww chris 😂 i am not that fun ngl
You should give me a food tour for sure haha
>>> Aww chris 😂 i am not that fun ngl SHOULD I BELIEVE THAT?
>>> You should give me a food tour for sure haha Me??? For sure.
You are fun what u mean
You definitely know how to have fun 😜
You will think i am annoying mwuaha
>>> You will think i am annoying mwuaha Imma left you behind you do that lll
I don’t mind annoying
Nooo😭😭 u have to deal with it
Imma leave you behind in the field
I will not survive, i will sit in a corner and cry😂😂
Okay okay you cry little girl. I will take you with me