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Wtf goin on in here where y’all from
If they only read those few words and believed trinity or whatever..why they name guys hezues like Jesus makes no sense
Boo 🍅🍅🍅
Need to pay for Christmas gifts somehow
Fresa why u in New York too
Can I throw quarters
Getting gifted by a Nigga
That’s all I got
Me broke as f
I did it I got my bestie gift and my nieces and nepygifts
I accept anything
Did u show him some ass
Y’all lame
Okay cool Evan
Nobody else gets squat from me
I got a fatty
No you don’t
Yeah only my close family getting gifts and my baby cousin
Saquen la mota
I gotta a fatty
I got a flatty
Pancakes over loafs
Yayyy flatted
I need someone to put this on thanks
Not bad
I'll do it
Some bow nipples
Liked that someone responded
Lmfao Wdf I want those
I’ll put them in my foot
Walmart someone can do it
Why does it come with mask
I want them on my face cheeks
Yes patas
I’m confused
Used to have pretty girls
What they are
They are sec stickers
What are the ass ones
The devils work I tell ya
Like pasties I guess