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Qu'est ce que tu caches dans ton téléphone ?
Where is everyone? Did they go to bed?
who wants a gift
Hey guys! A young couple that rents a room from me is broke and can’t pay rent. I’m looking for someone who can cover that expense for them and in exchange you will have access to the girl and trust me she is worth it!! London
I took flowers and a red ice tea
Freaky females hmu 👀
Hola putas y putos ❤️
Any female here to chat nicely
call me if you need even if we dont know each other anymore
Any females any age that crave the need to be used and owned dm me now.
Anyone from the uk like 20summit young mums with burger nipples
Long live to us
Lmaoo burger nip nops
>>> Hey guys! A young couple that rents a room... Msg me
I see no burger and dont make me hungry now
Borgir 🍔
Or else you gonna make me food
I ded outta teehee
Girls hmu😋
Where is this toxic girl at
Idk who she is
My boogers have all clumped into one bit snot puddle in my nose
She blocked me
No girlfriend dont hmu him
Prison lion wyd here
j'aime quand c'est labial tu seras jamais ma biatch
Fok fok
Sanah 🤣
JESSS BBY ❤️❣️❤️
Its him Im 100% sure
I am 100% sure too 💀
Oh heloo
What’s happening
Which is WILD cuz he left me on read
I just downloaded this app rn
Today lol