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Malam girls
Girls DM me
Hi dude
Who u calling dude? Anymore and you will be banned
Whose that guy lol
Blok lah
Gas bro
pasrah knp?
Di kick om
And now for something completely different
Set the controls for the heart of the sun
Phone me when u get there
If only there was peace around us, baby You would hear me And maybe it's the way that lovers do I just want for me what I want for you Only with the sun above us maybe You would see me And even if you leave, I may be fine 'Cause my heart, it has its own design And even if you never see it, baby You're all that I need Maybe it's the silence in your eyes Maybe it's the lilac when you're shy Maybe it's the mystery of your love
Too many text
Just take your time
Any news ?
Sure is, somewhere
Did you manage to sort everything out then ?
I m from germany
Any asian wanna talk ?
We’re talking here
I'm no problem
Hi I’m English. Going to Jakarta first week of June
Alone or u a couple?
Alon Alon asal klakon
Jem2 sagne nih😌
Wah parah nihh
Set those controls for the heart of the sun 🌞
Got to be one hellva lot warmer than it is here
PS. Call me when u get there
No reverse charges either
Never day
hei disa
pm dong