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VVixens Den🦊😈💋

It’s the same crowd
Jezzzz 😂😂
Taking the piss out my accent
Did you send a voice note?
At least i have one 🤣
We can in all rooms
Ahh that’s why
Oh that’s like that ———- app
That’s a lot to be able to vn in gc.
You can send voice notes
And pics are in HD
That’s all really
It's a good feature I just swear a lot
Especially when you’ve got people who just wanna hear themselves talk 🤣
I’d just piss people off tbh.
Not many public rooms and only app mods can make new rooms
That’s fucking ghey
As a result you’ll find the same ppl everywhere having the same convo… bit boring tbh
No there are a lot off rooms
You have to type all in the search bar
I have a room
I did
There were 35 rooms when I joined and now I think there are just 60
Private one?
There are a lot off private rooms that don't show invite only
Yes mines private
Then it won’t show in the search bar
No it wont
I’m in the one I saw you on my accident 😂
It use to be a public room called live drops
One day it was changed to a private room called sexy drops… guess I came with the room 😅
Ahh ok am not in a lot o got put in some that are really wild I left not my thing 🤣
Enjoy the other app
Ohh yeah you’re right
I’ll keep eyes here when your gone and ban the bots like I’ve been doing
I’m still using this one tho 😅
I enjoy the no jail and being treated like an adult thanks hootz 🥰
New anti rules are ridiculous
Aye they are
Someone went to prison for saying ‘cumming’
I got it for reversing a room ban
And a fully clothed pic
I have never heard that before 😳
Are you serious??? OMFG!!! 💀
I found out who was reporting me
Did you block that person??
And hopefully that person is not on the other….
Told her straight on the other
And i got to do it with vn 🤣
‘Her’ ahhh ok
There’s a block feature on there too I think
No you can block you can't see them they still see you
Yeah unless the other blocks you too
Or something like that
Where? On anti blocks are bidirectional I’m pretty sure
I’ve been free boobin all weekend 😌
You and me both lol
Evening everyone
Afternoon Den
Whatsupp yall where all my voxes at
Morning everyone
Morning Deb
* Den
Who is this secret admirer 😉
Good morning
Anyone up for me
Hey cherry
whats this chat abt?
Hello 👋
Hello everyone.
Hi there
Morning 😊
How is everyone doing?