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At least the dispensaries have good prices
Haha. I’m bored here too. I visited the art museum the other day. That was nice.
What kind of name is that?
Same for you
Don’t tell anyone but it’s my real name.
And I play the banjo.
Same goes for me
But kawaii is like cute
What? Kelsie isn’t?
Flip the disk.
Kawaii dake ja nai Shikimori san
Kawaii, my name is Shikimori San?
I'm guessing some of y'all aren't from Michigan?
Outside D tow n
Hbu, Newbie? Are you in Michigan?
Yes. Born and raised
I was just wondering
I was born in Henry Ford Hospital.
Smokin’ cigarettes and watchin’ captain Kangaroo, now don’t tell me… I’ve nothin’ to do.
I just ate a tamale.
Dm to see the Indian females I know
Morning yall
Good morning
Good morning
Good morning
Good day, peeps.
Morning all
Anyone single here ? Just say hi
Any sub on here
>>> Anyone single here ?Just say hi Hi
Juicy. Wanna chat
Send a dm
Zero karma here. Lol
Dave in Ohio
Recently single
Dm me juicy. My karma is too low
Unless u r a bot. Lol
Hello, good morning
>>> Hello, good morning Good morning
Anyone live in detroit
Good morning
Hey everyone
How’s it going today