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Hobby & Interessi/

RRoleplay Kings

Kinky roleplay pm if interested
Wanted M 35 and up, or any adult female for 30-60 minute sexuality charged RP where we both have fun and get off. If your info does not say 35 or older I will just block you. So please don’t waste our time. Please also make sure English is your first language. Nothing personal but too much gets lost in translation.
Anyone for a longterm, detailed, romantic rp?
Any ladies wanna roleplay any of these message me Wifesons best friend Wifedaughter’s boyfriend Wifehusbands best friend Wifestranger hookup Wifecoworker Wifeyour best friend’s husband
Aggressive cnc Rp pm me if interested ❀
Any guys wanna roleplay, pm me your rolesscenes. Please no incest
Passionate and kinky roleplay anyone?
Fantasy roleplay (must be detailed)
Any girls want to Rp?
F18 for daddy and his friends rp
Any girl wanna role play pm me
Cos play convention It’s the first day of a large convention revolving around video games and pop culture I’m with a few of my friends all of us walking around in cos play that we are showing off (pic available ), you are going around taking pics of the girls in their outfits and trying to convince them to join a special competition
Cheating rp pm me (guys and girls are welcomed)
RP ideas đŸ„° -Shoplifter caught -dr*nk & lost at a concert - first time trying w*ed - bad taxi innocent passenger - tricked by older brothers friends - dr*gged by friends dad - innocent and used hitchhiker ( love cnc , to be tricked , groped, sneakily dr*gged, light bdsm etc )đŸ„°đŸ„°
Anyone interested in a romantic role play. Seeking someone detailed and interested in build up â˜ș Women and men allowed.
Any dominant and really kinky ladies for rp?
Pm to play dark fantasies no limits đŸ«„
Morning, any guys looking to rp, pm me. We can work out rolesscene. No incest allowed.
RP girl serving drinks at an office poker party?
pm me for a DETAILED rp. Girl serving drinks at a office poker night Bodyguard Inmate and officer Cheerleader stoping behind to help the coach Hitchhiker Cosplay convention Fantacy rp Holiday Magic school
F18 for daddy and his friends