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Hobby & Interessi/

MMusic Lovers 🎶❣️

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Hello! 👋
Going to a show tonight in Chicago, REFUSED
I'd never refuse to go to a show in Chicago. Enjoy!
I see what you did there!
I'm excited to check out the venue, it's newer. Called the Salt Shed, it used to be a Morton Salt warehouse.
Sounds cool! Share a pic with us if you get a chance 👍
Will do if I remember to take any
>>> I'd never refuse to go to a show in Chicag... Why?
I would like to go to an old school techno party in Detroit
Go ahead, they still do them. still lot's of abandoned places to throw them
We used to organize many illegal and registered parties ourselves. Now I do it as a profession.
I live where the German Wall fell...we had many good empty locations but now everything is torn down or converted into expensive apartments and so on. 🙄
Is it allowed to send yt links here?
Yep 👍
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