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from hiking 😊
Nice to meet you,we haven't met yet 😊
No we haven't
Nice to meet you too
Where are you?
I'm in England 😊
Where in England?
I'm near to Birmingham
but originally from Hungary
Yeah nice
I've been away from here for a while
Things have changed
Yes sadly so many people left because the app has taken off from the store
I even managed a stint in prison and I wasn't even here
but some of us are still around 😊
I'm glad
How long have you been away?
Hello any one up to chat ?
A few months I reckon
Maybe even more
A lot of people have disappeared
My hometown
Roustabout hello mate
>>> Curry😊😊 Mmmmm cook me one
people come and go
>>> people come and go May the bad lot go for good😁😁
Enmmm 😘😘
They do but the regulars have gone too
>>> Champ🤗 Catch emmm💋💋💋
Does you good to get out of here for a while anyway
Alot do that mate yeah
Yeah I got back and have no karma
Don't know why
Figured I've done time in the big house
I see mate, I did time few times🤣🤣
You get that but while you aren't even here?.that's a bit bizarre
I don't know, when I left for long period, mine stayed
Speedo ☺️☺️☺️
Alot of people migrated yes
Any bulls here?
My wife is latina