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Scarica l'app per inviare e ricevere messaggi 💌 anonimi

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  2. Tocca "Aggiungi a Home"
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Se anunta o noapte
Ploioasă ⛈️
Bai baiatule da numa la mine nu ploua?
Păi caută și tu index plouă și mutate 😂
Nu varu ca berea nu merge pe ploaie
Da colegu faci mătreață de la ploaie 😂
Lasa sa nu ploua ca abia am spalat masina
✿💕*LoƖƖყ*💕✿, this is your Anti Card for the next 30 min. Please share a story from your life which comes into your mind first when you look at it. Use the word Take in your story.
Cine-i Take?
Take away 😂
I-a să vă văd pe voi ce card vă iese 😹
Pai cum facem
card (totul legat)
Razvan, this is your Anti Card for the next 30 min. Please share a story from your life which comes into your mind first when you look at it. Use the word Adapt in your story.
Te-a scos la tablă 😹 ca să spui poezia 😹
Da da😭
Aia e bataie am mai luat ca n am învățat
Razvan, this is your Anti Card for the next 30 min. Please share a story from your life which comes into your mind first when you look at it. Use the word Take in your story.
Na ce-mi zice asta
Iei și tu la pachet 😹
Am new here
Hey everyone! I'm New to Antiland and looking for interesting people to chat with. I enjoy great conversations, unexpected connections, and a bit of mystery. Let’s talk 🌚🤗
Bai coaie s a dat drumu la conducta cu boti?
where is B
Bomb site B
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Neata ☕️
Neața ☕️🫶