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Nord America/

OOrange County 🍊

Good morning yall
Chat is dead
All the oc chats die out quickly. I don't wanna go to LA chat lol
lol fr
Good morning
Any older gay men
Any older guys wanna chat?
Dm me
No ahí mujeres?
26+ hmu
Wats poppin guys 💃
Any lady wanna f unk holler
I want this chat to explode with more people
Let’s start chatting in it
I want date to night dm me
Whose on rn?
Fun dm
Anyone up for fun
Howdy everyone
Good morning yalll
I can’t use this in the App Store. Have to use it in the web, so lame and annoying 😖😖😖😖😤😤😤
I’m with your Vivian
I hope they fix this
What’s everyone doing?
Me too
I’m gonna hold onto this
On a new app?
This version is small and clunky on the phone
Any VietnameseChinese guys on this app wants to HU. HMU
Sorry I only chat with Vietnamese Chinese guy
I think the app work again
Mine is working too. Yay!
I’m here in OC. Message me
Hi everyone