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AAsian Lesbians

Hey doggo
gmorning newbiex jy
is this cloudy?
Hello bboba ☺
hello cloudy~
Hi Chel
Chellybelly ☺
Hi cloud and bboba!
How's everyone?
hello Jan!
Hu u??
Who me? What? 😭🤣
Yes you! 😀
I mean is "Hu" means "who" haha
Jan is not janning today
I'll change my name until vacation🤣
What? What do you mean?
That name is so jeje. 🙄
It ruins your vibe. 😑
Put it back.
That's better .
IKR, i thought it would be cool because im sabog rn
Nah, no one can relate except another jeje.
They'd be like "why did you change your name? What does that mean?"
So.. here's a thing...
I cut off a college friend like 4 yrs ago, and now she sent me a friend request and I don't know the reason why I cut her off. 😓
You'll remember the reason once you talk to her again
Quite risky though
>>> I cut off a college friend like 4 yrs ago... ohhhh quite interesting, do you have the energy to talk to her tho? she will probably talk to you if you accept her friend request...
Yeah right, nah.. I am not gonna accept it..
Nope, and I have a feeling that she just wanted to know where I am in life now. Hmmm
For sure, or they're planning a get together...
I don't think so...
Good eve