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Hobby & Interessi/

📊Crypto & The Economy

What it do
The economy is being stimulated
how u know
One look at me
So market stabilising?
Usd is weakening
Inflation resurging
Oh no spoken too soon 😢
Another pandemic virus lol 😆
Probably recession this year before they hand out stimmies checks
Crazy 😭😭
Go Alibaba!!
Market dropping finally 🙌
Here's the buying opportunities guys
I have Solana should I sell?
The crash happening
Tij, the sales finally happened 🙌
We were just early in January waiting things out lol
And ppl now ask if yhey need to sell instead of buying
Any recommendations?
Classic lol
We never heard that before 😂
Never heard of what ?
Bro it’s ironic
Bear market time
Recession is here!!
sifu come back papa
Now do you understand why I was bearish in January piggie?
Bitcoin can fall even below 70k
Highly probable
Maybe Trump even wants this
To buy it up cheaper for the sovereign wealty fund
Should I sell me PI now or wait?
Brooooo not the PI scam again
Trump wants recession
It's clear
Trump is not a politician...
PM Trudeau from Canada exposed Trump.....