Aye not to shabby mate... waiting till the 3 oclock kick off the day to see what dissapointments in store đ
Happy birthday witty đ
Im doing shots of beechams cold and flu đĽ˛đ
Im good thanks, yourself?
Ref cant make a decent call in this game.. shocking
The var is always shite in these games
How many complaints to the sfa does there have to be?
This has taken far too long for us to get this
Oh definatly, just need to keep it this way instead of throwing points away
If amyone does then its petty
The people that take football into fights and arguements are the ones who ruin it, no need for it.. aye theres rivalries but thes a line
Aye exactly theres no need for it, seen near enough the end of the match some fans had thrown coins at the celtic players.. its not just ruing it for everyone but the clubs get it for that kinda behaviour too
Aye about the 87th minute celtic corner kick
Ref took the cojns over and police bagged the coins in an evidence bag
Aye i know, how many times do boys need to do it too? No that, the club should ban people from attending game who do it aswell
I know its happened in the past with certin incidents like
Seen they spfl are pushing for a lifetime ban for that fan that threw the coins yesterday?
Nah totally agree, shouldnt be doing it in the first place.. no wonder the ongoing thing with ticket allocations is getting dragged on