Yeah it’s gone quite since dropping of the iOS store.
I’m still using the iOS version.. didn’t delete it, it just started working again
How long you been on here Katie?
You must enjoy it to stick at it? 😊
If it’s any help, we love having you here 😊
We’re not all that bad.. (just ignore that we are in this room at all for the moment) 🙈
Phew 😥.. thought my cover was blown then!
Sorry you’ve had a bad experience Katie 🫶
Good to hear that all is good now 😊
Afternoon all 😊
Hope the day is going well for you all
Hey Katie 👋.
Oh no, how did you manage that?
Ouch.. yeah this is why I refuse a work phone, and just use my own.
See, they are more than just phones these days..
Some people make money on that… 🤣
See I think you’re gorgeous.. but even I have limits 🫣
I’ve been respectful and never PM’s you.. wanted to though