>>> Never liked del rio
Notable prick*
He's not banned. He's suspended
People threw coins at him after the match he went to attack them but couldn't so he threw a chair at them. Then someone threw a chair at him and hit his head and the situation broke down a lil
He's suspended from wrestling in that city for 108 days
>>> Kamala is being discussed bout being in th...
For a second I was like why she being inducted?!?! Lol
>>> Cm punk vs seth vs Roman is gonna be littt...
HHH is all about fele good moments not good booking so Phil probably wins
Ok now you're just talking nonsense
Technically not false that pic
I want Jacob to win gold already
>>> wwe needs to bring demon balor vs undertak...
Have you seen undertakers last 5 matches? Have you seen demon balors matches since 2015? This isn't something people should want
>>> Who do you think is underutilised in wwe o...
All AEW talent that aren't FKAs
Cena must win on the last show of 2025. His very last match must be against Orton (c)
>>> That slap though π£οΈ π€Jimmy gonna pay for...
First actually thing in this feud that's making me care.