Screw that nothing out there but crackheads and pump jacks was out there last year working on the hospital in midland
The same as always as long as I listen to the nice voices in my head all is good
If I could work from home I would never put pants on again
Toss out some corn for them
Letโs not forget that Goldilocks broke into the bears house
Women donโt know what they want you talk to them and all they give are one or two word answers and you are right they want you to read their minds
I never said my wife was a slave my wife and I worked together in our relationship we each had our roles
Would love to see the video when you get mauled
Are those the same a spandex
Well today is a great Monday morning the Eagles won and so many sad faces at work today
The referees did not get the script in time to memorize it
I did not see the whole game I turned it on at the end of the third quarter
I was laughing as soon as Iturned it on
Looks like me and the sanitizer have something in common