Women are not created for satisfiction.they have spicificrights in islam which is mentioned in surah nisa Al quran
The prophet mohammad said the society where the adulteriez and haram deeds become common in thst society suffer the panademic diseases by the command Of Allah.like you saw that the covid only reason was the haram foods that chinese eat.alot of diseases came due to illegal sex and prostitution like hiv
You will find all of your answer about your misunderstanding about islam in Quran and hadith.that you accuse the islam because of the bad deeds and habbits and traditions of mostly mudlim
Islam is perfect muslims have flaws specially the muslims of new generation which is affected the bad societies
>>> Mohammad at 55 age married 6 year old ayes...
Mostly the marriages of prophet mohammad was took place for giving the shelters to the righteous women against the cruels and cruel society
the marriages of prophet mohammad was took place by the proposition of women that the women proposed him for msrriage because he is the beloved of God He was pure from every flsws and bad habbits.his appearance behaviour and character had the miraculous effects on the people
Everyone willingly and happily came to him to take me as slave.and they proudly becoming the slaves of him.but he rejected and eradicated the system of slavery in the arabs full of ignorance.he brought the light of justice, kindness, education and perfect religion islam in the darkness of ignorance and cruelty
The hitler started destroying the jews when jew started harmful acts hidden agende against the governament of germany he also gave warning to jews three times
The jews are worst violent and criminal people on the earth
From the begining when they born they have been doing mischiefs and crimes on the earth.Allah imposed punishments on them and sent them messengers until they reformed but they rejected the messengers every time and martyred most of the prophets. They will be a disgrace until the Day of Resurrection. Because this is the promise of Allah
What you do will also return to you.the oppressor cant leave till the end
The hitler started destroying the jews when jew started harmful acts hidden agende against the governament of germany he also gave warning to jews three times
The hitler also sent the letter to the king of palestine to not give them shelter.the money for which they work as labour.oneday they will become rich and powerful on the money of your country and then they usurp your land
Hitler already knew them very well those criminal and terrorists mind israel
The imam mehdi and jesus shen they arrive on the earth for the mission(islam). They will also start finishing the jews
Because the jews are cursed
>>> What facts ? That you live your life hatin...
Only two kind of people deserve mercy
One is childeren snd the another is those people among enemy who donot support the actions and oppressions of their people or governament
The peace breakers are terrprists not the peace maker
Punishment is the peace bringer in society
The God rules made for the better peaceful society
The Quran (2:17π allows qisas in cases of intentional murder: βO you who believe, qisas has been prescribed for you in cases of murder β¦ But if any remission is made by the brother of the slain, then grant any reasonable demand, and compensate him with handsome gratitude, this is a concession and a mercy from your Lord. After this whoever exceeds the limits shall be in grave penalty.β