Have a level head and a willingness for actual adult conversations where emotions are set aside when making decisions. Lots of people want a companion without any real responsibility. We live in the real world and you will have to grow to become better. Love is to be unconditional as you must love them as they are if you deserve to love them at their best. You aren't looking for anyone else when you're with them. You grow together and make each other better people with just your presence.
Love is a dying thing nowadays especially with hookup culture. Men aren't being men and women aren't being women. It takes real people to help a community grow and also show the youth what it takes to run a society. People have become lazy and try to skip steps while giving the bare minimum.
I could go on and on but I feel this isn't the place
Love is different for everyone though and that is why each individual is unique. Growth is part of the human experiencejourney. I hope you all get to have that special someone and future you dream about. Please don't settle and know your worth. Don't rush the process
Loneliness, lust, pressure or any sort of circumstance could cause you to rush a relationship or situation. Just start to think more and be aware of how you feel, how things impact you and the long term effects of your decisions. Living in the moment is great until you have real consequences.
Thank you for listening to my tedx talk
Love is a beautiful thing when done right
That football is bigger than his avi
If people would think. Then using the wrong animation was to get people to talk about it more. It was to promote the movie since it's been so long since the last Shrek movie and the Puss movie that teased far far away.
They were never going to go through with that horrid animation
They knew people would react that way and share their opinions. Getting people to talk about the movie
Was smart for marketing but they had no other bright ideas