>>> Seed for women to get preggo on biatch
Ooh okay got it biatch
>>> I spoke Hindi biatch
What's the meaning biatch
>>> I can't translate
Okay "Abe sale" biatch
But my name is part biatch
Lol don't run away biatch
I'm so cool they've got my name in a Hindi memeπ biatch
>>> Ape sale biatch
Lol wrong meme
>>> Abe sale - meaning - you are so adorable b...
Aww, how lovely. I'm too bad biatch
>>> Abraham hillbilly biatch
Yeap. Abe is actually Abraham.
>>> The horse spreading miss information biatch
Oops really . Lying horse haha
>>> Some other meaning of Abe sale are - I AM ...
Oh this is also cool and cute. Pig is this also misinformation biatch
>>> This group is always busy biatch
It's amazing. Constantly lol
What's the language y'all speaking ? biatch
>>> Fish they are hindi group biatch
Okay, cool.