My heat sealing missile is locked in on your exhaust heat bro
I'm Apolo and your Sputnik bro
I wanna land on your moon
I would eat that from the reverse angle
Anybody ever seen the movie Willy Wacker and the Fudge Packing Factory?
Let him discover it, sneak behind him and meow... Just watch his head explode
If u want to experience a feeling of full elation, try squatting yours out in your cats litter box
Time for mommy to laydown some dookie
My man done did it... He done drank me... He done drank my sweat tea..
We was having a picnic and right under the mulberry tree he asked for a drink of my sweat tea... And he done drank me
That's how I know my man loves me
Im cookin up a batch of dumplins and broth for tonight
My man got a big hairy one
What we're really talking about about here is nothing short of a full blown mandingo
You into rodeo and camping?
Ooohhh... I need to simmer down... Love down got my blood boiling.... Rock solid right now