It's going to be soooo terrible when we ethnically cleanse our home and it brings trust and order back into our communities
Wait can I take back my stance on abortion and trans kids?? I had to think about it but like isn't it a good thing if yall castrate yourselves and end your bloodlines?
Besides most planned parenthood is in black heavy ghetto communities right? I'm down to legalize eugenics
Wait. Do I see traitor speaking against smaller government??
>>> how can even Trump lovers defend this
Because it was all a political ploy to begin with. Now that he won there's no point in continuing the facade.
Ironic thing is if the left wasn't so absurdly unhinged they probably would've stood a chance in the election.
Your 5'5 and built like a twink
Why are people so mad that DJ Rump bodied Momma Kumswalluh in the 1v1?
Bro people are still that misinformed about the J6 incident??
Swear some of yall are braindead.
Oh how misguidedthe left is.
It's actually unironically sad
He never incited a mob. It was supposed to be a peaceful protest within the boundaries of the law.
Until the carefully placed feds broke the windows and urged people to step in the building.
I'm also of the opinion that both candidates suck, but Kamala is FAR worse, and dangerous.
>>> No I dont. I think vocal ones like u and t...
Damn bro. You must REALLY want to live in an eco dome smart city and eat bugs
Nah man just wait until your cricket rations run out and you're forced to eat the roaches off your walls. If you're lucky enough to qualify for 6ร6 dome room.