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This burrito fat that’s for sure 😤

This burrito fat that’s for sure 😤
ur belly fat asf
ew why is ur name that
Like I said this burrito fat
log off and never compare ur shrimp to a burrito again.
it’s his height and he is advertising his bi little c*ck
bro is commenting on another man’s dck😭🙏
i’m trying to help a homie out cause his game is ATROCIOUS
Sofa? Is that where u were conceived cause ur mom was too desperate for the D she couldn’t make it to the room?
enuff. not too much on sofa..
you’re grabbing for insults in the wrong places these mean nothing to me 😭😭
Don’t hate the player hate the game
you ain’t got no game that can be hated on so i gotta hate the player LMAO
Hatings a woman trait I can already tell wat kinda dude u look like 😂😂I’m sure ur confused on ur gender
like how you probably hate gay people? nice “women’s” trait buddy
Is it skinny