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Grown man having plushies is crazy

Grown man having plushies is crazy
I have like 20+
lmaooooa i think its adorable lowkey
"the rizzlerπŸ₯Έβ˜πŸ»" headahh
Sharon πŸ‘΅πŸ‘΅
ngl i havent met old ppl w my name yet lol only this jew guy n 3 black girls
Sharon is old lady name
Hey uh do you think i can get girls?
if you smooth w it then yh.
Idk how to
some videos could help alot. but basically js b mature, b caringthoughtful n make yaself look good yk. n b yaself too
She cheated on me with a girl who turned out to be a guy πŸ¦–
πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€ find sum1 better then its her loss
I still bought her stuff after I was in dark place πŸ‘½
You know what up