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Kirim dan terima pesan anonim

Dapatkan aplikasi untuk mengirim dan menerima pesan 💌 anonim

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  2. Ketuk "Tambahkan ke Layar Utama"
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Our app is temporarily unavailable on the App store. If you delete it you wont be able to re-download it right now. We forgot to notify Apple about testing a new feature —Oops! We are fixing this and will be back within 30 days. In the meantime our Android app and website are still available.

Our app is temporarily unavailable on the App store. If you delete it you wont be able to re-download it right now. We forgot to notify Apple about testing a new feature —Oops! We are fixing this and will be back within 30 days. In the meantime our Android app and website are still available.
Lies you can still redownload
Not from app store
Yeah you can
I cant bro
You got iPhone?
Yes you can, go into your profile, apps, not on this phone and type in “anon” it’ll show up and you can redownload
Can you dm me please help me