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no one gaf ab men’s mental health

no one gaf ab men’s mental health
this the type of attitude that turns into asking where all the good men are
Fr, man up and deal with it, we alr know that’s just how the world works, make it your world don’t be a lil b
“manning up” and “dealing with it” is what makes it worse just so you know
Yeah but you cry in front of your girl, a month later she found another man 🤣
you think my standards are that low?
Most aren’t like you I guess
can u jump alr
You idiot thats the point, it ain’t supposed to get easier.
well i see no point in that LMAO
Then you’re a fool, and i wont waist my time explaining it to you.
ion taking advice from someone who doesn’t know the difference between waste and waist
lol fair
Cook tho