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most annoying generations: 1)millennials 2)gen x 3)boomers 4)gen alpha

most annoying generations: 1)millennials 2)gen x 3)boomers 4)gen alpha
So anything but ur own gen is annoying
yes 🀭😘
The least educated gen talking about most annoying y’all can’t even cook or do a basic job without crying
you’re literally gen z yourself? 😭😭
I don’t associate with you weirdos πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
omg you’re so different and quirky 😍😍😍😍😍😍 do you wanna talk about the economic and political state of the world?
You wanna talk about how u n ur roblox e bf cheated on u for another e girl 😭😭
you’re projecting bc i’m not an e girl or play roblox
Not you talking about projecting when you know full well how trash this gen is